Detta är riktig kedd
Alltså, är horoskopet gjort för mig? allt stämmer så jävla bra att jg måste skriva det här.. igen...
You've got to let today's big change happen the way it's destined to -- any influence you have is likely to be negative if you try to change things. It's a good day to practice patience and acceptance.
The Seven of Swords card suggests that my power today lies in scruples. I will not cheat myself, look the other way, sneak or be distracted by superficial perceptions disguised as appeal, entitlement, rescue, comfort or security. In this stage I am not a victim and therefore, any advantage, temptation, or betrayal would be an inside job or come from a moment of opportunity in choosing to leave myself unprotected or exposed. I am empowered by expectation and opportunity and my virtue is forewarning or accountability.
något av det innebär att jag ska lyssna på mitt inre när jag shoppar i malmö & köpa det jag känner för HAHAH :D

You've got to let today's big change happen the way it's destined to -- any influence you have is likely to be negative if you try to change things. It's a good day to practice patience and acceptance.
The Seven of Swords card suggests that my power today lies in scruples. I will not cheat myself, look the other way, sneak or be distracted by superficial perceptions disguised as appeal, entitlement, rescue, comfort or security. In this stage I am not a victim and therefore, any advantage, temptation, or betrayal would be an inside job or come from a moment of opportunity in choosing to leave myself unprotected or exposed. I am empowered by expectation and opportunity and my virtue is forewarning or accountability.
något av det innebär att jag ska lyssna på mitt inre när jag shoppar i malmö & köpa det jag känner för HAHAH :D
